
Articles in this category

How to? (Knowledge Base / База знаний / 知识库 / Base de conocimiento)
regway system status page - Pulse
The most common errors leading to invalid payments in cryptocurrency
Issue while accessing Express Cart site (503 Service Unavailable) - January 9th,
How to point a domain name to hosting / Как привязать домен к хостингу / 如何将域名链接到托管 / Cómo vincular un dominio al hosting
Why my domain does not work (site does not open in the browser)?
How to add DNS-records? / Как добавить A, MX, TXT, CNAME, A и др. записи на DNS-серверы? / Как привязать домен к IP-адресу?
How to change domain NS (Name Servers)?
How to unsuspend domains? / Как разблокировать домены? / 如何取消暂停域名?/ Cómo suspender los dominios?
Order for a long time is in the "processing" status / Заказ долго висит в статусе процессинга / Ошибка "Unable to connect to Registry. Please try again later"
Available payment methods / Cпособы оплаты / 付款方式 / Métodos de pago
How to transfer domains? / Как перенести домены? / 如何转移域?/ Cómo transferir dominios?
I forgot password. How to restore it? / Потерял доступ к аккаунту. Как восстановить пароль?
"We have encountered an error. Please try again after sometime" / Ошибка при регистрации домена
Почему мой домен не работает (сайт не открывается в браузере)?
Frequently used API functions (quick start guide) / Часто используемые функции API (краткое руководство) / 常用的API函数(快速入门指南)/ Funciones API utilizadas con frecuencia (guía de inicio rápido)
How to transfer domains from the "old" control panel to new control panel? / Как перенести домены из "старой" панели управления в новую / 如何将域从“旧”控制面板转移到新 / Cómo transferir dominios desde el panel de control "antiguo" al nuev
I do not receive SMS for two-factor authentication / Не приходит SMS для двухфакторной аутентификации
The session of my browser is reset in the control panel (I am logged out) / Сбрасывается сессия в панели управления (меня разлогинивает)
How to create a subdomain? / Как создать поддомен?
Funds withdrawal order
serverHold domain status
How to transfer domains from an Namecheap registrar? / Как перенести домены от регистратора Namecheap?
Payments via QIWI Wallet / Пополнение баланса через КИВИ Кошелек (Qiwi)
Payments via Capitalist / Пополнение баланса через Capitalist
My payment was not credited / Мой платеж на зачислился / 我的付款没有贷记 / Mi pago no fue acreditado /
Cbill additional fees for search and return erroneous payments
Search and return Wire Transfer payments
Search and return invalid cryptocurency payments via Webmoney payment gate
Search erroneous cryptocurrency payments via payment gate
Search uncredited payments via Capitalist, WorldPay, Yoomoney, Stripe, Digiseller, Payssion payments gates.
Error "Oops something went wrong.Please try again later." when issuing an SSL certificate.
Photo ID
Error Message "You have already added a Renew order for this"
GDPR Protection
regway PHP Payment Integration Kit for integration with Any Other Payment Gateway
How to bind a domain to a hosting server
I entered the wrong email address in domain contacts. How can I change it without email access?
How to move domain to another regway account?
What does clientTransferProhibited status mean?
I have not receive an email with a verification link. How to confirm my contact email?
Как перенести домены от регистратора GoDaddy? / How to transfer domains from GoDaddy registrar?
I try add Child NS for .com domain, but got error "This action can't be performed on this domain."
Ошибка "Не получилось Похоже это техническая ошибка. Попробуйте заплатить еще раз." при оплате через платежный шлюз ЮMoney
"Your Bulk Renewal action could not be processed since Order(s) are invalid"
How to check the expiration date of a domain name?
Payments via Digiseller (semi-automatic) / Пополнение баланса через Digiseller (semi-automatic)
How to Point your Domain Name to our web hosting?
How to transfer domains from DanescoNames (AHnames / EvoNames) registrar? / Как перенести домены от регистратора ahnames?
I received a notifications "Transfer Request Confirmation" / "Transfer-Out Request has been approved..." about domain transfer after i order its renewal. What should I do?
Search and process uncredited P2P payments via Webmoney payment gate (card2card, SBP, Alipay)
Error "Due to technical limitations, we are unable to remove at this time"
  • Latest articles
Issue while accessing Express Cart site (503 Service Unavailable) - January 9th,

Category: Knowledgebase

Error "Due to technical limitations, we are unable to remove at this time"

Category: Knowledgebase

Search and process uncredited P2P payments via Webmoney payment gate (card2card, SBP, Alipay)

Category: Knowledgebase

I received a notifications "Transfer Request Confirmation" / "Transfer-Out Request has been approved..." about domain transfer after i order its renewal. What should I do?

Category: Knowledgebase

How to transfer domains from DanescoNames (AHnames / EvoNames) registrar? / Как перенести домены от регистратора ahnames?

Category: Knowledgebase

How to Point your Domain Name to our web hosting?

Category: Knowledgebase